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Publikuoti: 6/18/2020. Atnaujinta:

NERC: Common settlement rules for all unintended exchanges of energy for all asynchronously connected TSOs are approved

In accordance with the European Commission Regulation establishing guidelines for electricity balancing, the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) approved the common settlement rules prepared by Litgrid AB together with the transmission system operators (TSOs) of other countries for all asynchronously connected TSOs, which will be applied to energy exchange between different synchronous regions in order to maintain the same frequency and limit its fluctuation. These rules will ensure clear and non-discriminatory settlement conditions between TSOs.


The approved procedure shall govern how and at what price the settlement for energy takes place between asynchronously connected TSOs for the exchange of energy, i.e. energy volume that results from frequency fluctuations. Synchronous area means an area with a common system frequency in which synchronous interconnected TSOs operate, e.g. as a separate zone of the synchronous areas of continental Europe and Northern Europe, is the energy systems of Lithuania, Latvia, and Estonia, together called the Baltic zone, which is part of the larger energy system IPS/UPS (which includes Russia and other post-Soviet countries) synchronous area. In the case of Lithuania, these rules will apply only to energy exchanges between Lithuania and Sweden and between the electricity transmission systems of Lithuania and Poland, since the Lithuanian zone belongs to a synchronous area other than the latter.



For further information on NERC`s decision of 18/06/2020 see here.