In 2016, in the heat energy sector the NERC was regulating 49 heat suppliers (35 were controlled by the municipalities, 14 were the undertakings operating on the basis of leasing (concession) agreements. The NCC performs the regulation of the heat energy suppliers producing over 10 GWh of heat energy per year; the smaller heat supply undertakings are regulated by the municipalities. In 2016, the NCC was also regulating 43 independent heat producers and 21 non-regulating independent heat producers.
In 2016, the heat suppliers regulated by the NERC produced 8 973 GWh of heat energy and serviced 702 thousand customers. In the market structure of the fuel used for the heat energy production the share of natural gas constituted 39,5 percent, the market share of biofuel – 58,7 percent. Among 60 municipalities of Lithuania, in 6 municipalities natural gas constituted more than 50 percent in the structure of the fuel used for the heat energy production, and in 54 municipalities the respective percentage was made up by biofuel.
Figure 1.
Predominant types of fuel used for heat energy production in individual municipalities in 2016
In 2016, the independent heat producers produced and supplied to the district heating network 2698 GWh of heat.
In 2016, the heat suppliers earned EUR 390 million in revenues. The profit in the sector constituted EUR 29,5 million.
In 2016, the heat supply undertakings regulated by the NERC made investments the value of which totaled EUR 20,4 million, among these EUR 1,62 million were the allocations from the European Union support funds. In 2012–2016, in the overall structure of the investments made by the heat supply undertakings the biggest part is represented by the equity and borrowings of the heat supply undertakings – approx. 86 percent, the part of the investments financed from the European Union funds in the overall structure of the investments varied from 19,1 percent in 2012 up to 7,9 percent in 2016; the part of the state and municipality subsidies constituted 2,35 percent (in 2012) – 0 percent (in 2016).
*according to preliminary data
Review of the Heat Energy sector in 2015
Review of the Heat Energy sector in 2014
Review of the Heat Energy sector in 2013
Review of the Heat Energy sector in 2012