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Publikuoti: 9/8/2021. Atnaujinta: 9/8/2021

Bilateral cooperation discussed between the Ukrainian and Lithuanian energy regulatory authorities

On 7th September 2021, the remote meeting took place between the representatives of the National Energy and Utilities Regulatory Commission of Ukraine (NEURC) and the National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) to discuss common issues and recent developments in energy markets regulation.

A review of the energy markets of Ukraine and NEURC's main priorities were presented during the meeting. Lithuanian representatives shared their experience and presented the main regulatory principles and latest developments of electricity and gas markets in Lithuania.

Lithuanian and Ukrainian energy regulatory authorities touched on the issues of current market reforms in Ukraine. The representatives of the meeting attached high importance of liberalisation of electricity and gas markets foreseeing benefits for all the consumers in the countries, as well as discussed the measures to stabilize the market situation, ensure competitive market and security of supply. Lithuanian representatives stressed the importance of the goal – to cease power trading with Belarus where unsafe Astravyets NPP continues to operate.

This online meeting was an important occasion to discuss the long-term bilateral cooperation that both the representatives of the NEURC and NERC mentioned to be seen as useful to be developed further. It was agreed to continue the bilateral cooperation and updates on the developments in both, Ukrainian and Lithuanian, energy markets in future exchanges among the representatives of the energy regulatory authorities. Both regulatory authorities agreed to work together on the bilateral cooperation agreement that would define cooperation principles and goals.