National Energy Regulatory Council (NERC) in cooperation with the Estonian Competition Council and the Public Service Regulatory Commission (PURC) have prepared a joint report on the availability of Latvian, Lithuanian and Estonian capacities for the day-ahead electricity market, which market participants are invited to familiarize themselves here.
The regulation of the European Parliament and the Council stipulates that the regulators of the European Union member states have the duty to monitor various aspects of the electricity market, one of the most important of which is the availability of electricity transmission capacities to ensure trade with trade zones of other member states. As part of this obligation, the regulatory authorities have prepared a report on how the transmission system operators of the Baltic States ensure that at least 70% of the transmission capacity of the connections is allocated to the day-ahead electricity market.
The report includes an analysis of the volumes of transmission capacities of connections used for the market and their compliance with the 70% criterion, as defined in the regulatory documents of the European Union.
The report concludes that the amount of transmission capacities of connections available for the market meets the 70% criterion. In the amount of 100% in both directions, the transmission capacity of Latvian-Lithuanian interstate connections is available to the market participants of the Baltic countries in 99% of the hours of the year.