Thirty six licenses have been issued in the natural gas sector where the NCC performs the regulation of 6 economic entities. The Natural Gas Exchange has been functioning since 23 November 2011, the operator of the Exchange is BALTPOOL UAB. On 9 November 2012 the NCC issued the license of the Natural Gas Market Operator to one more economic entity – UAB GET Baltic.
In 2014, 5 licenses were issued for the supply of natural gas activity. At the end of 2014, one market participant was active in transmission activity, 6 – in distribution, 11 supply market participants sold gas at the Natural Gas Exchange and/or under bilateral agreements, and 1 supply market participant sold gas only in the Natural Gas Exchange. Two market participants acted as market operator. 5 market participants sell liquefied oil gas.
In 2014, the players operating in the natural gas import market imported 2581,6 million m3 of natural gas, the weighted average price of the natural gas import – LTL 1096,1 per thousand m3.
Figure 1. Market shares held by natural gas importers in 2014, percent.
Source – Commission.
In 2014, the volume of the natural gas transit reached 2075,4 million m3. In 2014, in the wholesale natural gas market 2090,6 million m3 of natural gas were supplied. The quantity of natural gas supplied in the retail natural gas market was 675,8 million m3. In 2014, the quantity of natural gas transported via the gas distribution system equaled 761,4 million m3.
The revenues in 2014 earned from the operations of the natural gas transmission to customers equaled LTL 132,3million. The biggest share of the distribution market (96,9 percent) is held by AB Lietuvos dujos. In 2014, the revenues earned from the distribution operations were as high as LTL 193,7million. The revenues from natural gas supply – LTL 1636,3 million.
The investments in the natural gas sector in 2014 totaled LTL 131,1 million, from this amount LTL 89,3 million were invested in the transmission, LTL 41 million – in the distribution.
Review of the Natural Gas sector in 2013
Review of the Natural Gas sector in 2012